Country Cottage Decor Ideas - Georgian Home Tour
Find out how we transformed the downstairs of a Georgian cottage in Halifax with cosy country cottage style decor.

How to Create a Cosy Living Room in a New Build House
Take a look at this stunning living room makeover in a new build house as I share my top tips on how to create a cosy living room.

Scandinavian Living Room Reveal - Ideas for a Lagom Look
Before and after of a Scandinavian style Lagom inspired lounge in a Victorian terrace.

Edwardian Semi Living Room - Final Reveal
We love a good before and after! Find out how we transformed a neutral lounge in a Halifax Edwardian semi into a dramatic, cocooning space full of personality.

Pink Living Room Reveal - Calming Decor Ideas
See how we transformed a dated lounge in a 1950s North Wales coastal home into a calming, light-filled space.

Dark Blue Living Room - Before and After Reveal
Find out how we transformed this lounge in a Victorian terrace in Halifax into a beautiful, relaxing space at an affordable price. See how good interior design can make your money go further!